

Marketing Overview

Sales Profile and Geographic Distribution

Medical Articles Zimbabwe (Pvt) Ltd has experienced significant growth over the past few months. The success of the organization is based on a number of factors. These include a continual commitment to bring to the Patient (who is our ultimate Client), quality and affordable healthcare through the provision of innovative and cost-effective solutions based on the best that the world market has to offer.

More specifically, we are committed to on-going research, maintaining strong relationships with a broad customer base as well as effectively managing our status as a Ministry of Health/Government-approved supplier. We distribute our products in directly and in some instances, as a wholesale supplier to smaller companies that service their respective niche markets.

Market Overview

Our market is roughly divided into two sectors, the Public Sector and the Private Sector, contributing 65% and 35% respectively. This traditional market distribution, however, is beginning to shift in favour of the Private Sector .

Public Sector

Medical Articles Zimbabwe (Pvt) Ltd is on the Government Tender List of companies that are regularly invited by Ministries of Health to tender for the supply of various requirements of Laboratory and Medical Equipment. We have earned this because of the track record we established over the months of supplying quality equipment and providing efficient after-sales technical back-up support. Our market share in this critical sector promises to expanded rapidly in the coming years as underscored by the rapid enquiries we are getting from old and new customers and some invitations to tender. In this sector, our market is segmented and we distribute products to:-

Ø Government hospitals and clinics, both urban and rural

Ø Government reference laboratories

Private Sector

Historically, a relatively modest sector in size in comparison with the Public Sector, the Private Sector continues to make impressive share gains in the provision of healthcare in the country. This provides growing opportunities for Medical Articles Zimbabwe (Pvt) Ltd as we are positioning ourselves Strategically by striking alliances as a preferred supplier to the new private sector healthcare providers.

The Donor Community and the Non-Government Sector

An important market sector we pay particular attention to is the Donor Community and Non-government Organization (NGO) Sector. We have marketed and will continue to market ourselves to this sector with considerable success. Amongst some Of out targetted organisation are:

  • Global Fund Against AIDS/HIV, Tuberculosis and Malaria
  • The Japanese International Cooperation Agency (J.I.C.A)
  •  C.O.S.V (Italian Aid Agency)
  • Danish Development Agency (DANIDA)
  • PLAN International
  • World Health Organization (WHO)
  • European Union
  • Center for Disease Control (CDC)
  • UCSF

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